April 1, 2020
Designer Words of Wisdom, Uncategorized
Business Unusual
Now that we have all had time to Kondo our closet, organize the family photos, work though that 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle, binge watch Netflix, and drop off the Goodwill donations, perhaps you have started looking around you home and thinking of home improvement projects for the future. Your home office may need better lighting and a comfier chair. As does that cozy reading nook the kids have been homeschooling from. Maybe you’ve been cooking more impressive meals and enjoying them in that previously underused dining room. Is it time for some much needed window treatments and an irresistible new wall covering in there?
While it’s definitely not business as usual over here, much of what interior designers do is researched, planned, sampled and sourced online. As long as there is an internet I’d be delighted to help you breath some life into your loving and supportive home. A fully flushed out design plan will leave you hopeful, and all the more excited for our return to normalcy. Here is an example of a recent Finishing Touches eDesign I did for a client’s master bathroom.

Please let me know how I can help you sort out any future projects!
P.S. (really long P.S.)
I sincerely hope you and your family are staying well. We have been taking lots of Vitamin C, D, and getting lots fresh air (in our woefully small backyard), along with lots of good rest. While I’m now a part-time homeschooler, I’ve found it has been pretty gratifying watching my little rosebud begin to read! While taking this very seriously, I’ve also been trying to limit my exposure to the news because fear depresses the immune system and we all need to protect our calm, now more than ever!
I was chatting with my girlfriend the other day and told her this all reminds me of Emily’s goodbye at the end of Thornton Wilder’s, “Our Town.” (Anyone, anyone?)
“Let’s really look at one another!….It goes so fast. We don’t have time to look at one another. I didn’t realize. Saw all that was going on and we never noticed…Wait!…one more look. Good-bye world, Mama and Papa, clocks ticking…and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new ironed dresses and hot baths…and sleeping and waking up. Oh Earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it–every, every minute?”
She told me to stop being so dark!
I suppose it is dark, but I’ve always felt it was more about being grateful for life, and it seems ever more relevant now. The world has changed forever in a matter of a few short weeks. We have left the comfort of our relatively easy, painless lives. Every one of us has lost something, albeit (hopefully) short term, but for the first time our expectations and our privileges have been revoked, and a great many are already suffering far greater losses- both physically & financially.
But one day this crisis will end, and when it does I can’t imagine we won’t all be truly happier and more grateful people. Perhaps we will have less sense of entitlement, and realistically manage our high expectations. Maybe we will focus more on the good and stop manifesting problems when there really are none. For myself and my children, I can only hope any pain endured during this experience leads to a greater appreciation of life in general. I like to imagine we will be more like my Grandmother’s generation- she grew up during the Great Depression and birthed and raised four kids between my Grandfather’s WWII and Korean War deployments. Much like the rest of her generation she was almost almost always happy. Difficult times make us stronger and we will be happier when life returns to normal.
So we made it to April- we are all here… and there’s one silver lining. Hope springs eternal! Come on Spring!!!